Saturday, July 23, 2011

NEXT Model Search

If you are at all familar with the world of models and fashion, you're likely familar with one of the largest international agents in the world, NEXT Models. For years NEXT has been working with models from all over Alberta scouted by other agencies and then placed in either Toronto, Montreal or abroad in New York, London or Paris. Last year however, NEXT decided to have their very own presence here in Alberta and have had a local scout scouring the malls, streets and events looking for talent. Well guess what? She found some. And not just one or two, but LOTS of beautiful girls and even a few guys with tremendous international potential.

With something to prove, she sent photo's of her finds back to Toronto and convinced head Scout Dan Grant to hold a search here in Edmonton. After months of preparation, today was the first (of many I am sure) NEXT Model searches here in Edmonton.

Featuring scouts and agents from Toronto, Montreal, New York & Asia tons of model hopefuls lined up today for their shot at an international contract with NEXT and an all expenses paid trip to Toronto.

In the end however there could only be one winner and it was clear who was going to be the NEXT star...JENNA!

Congratulations Jenna! I had the opportunity to speak with Jenna's Mom during the search today and I heard how hard Jenna has worked to prepare herself for her career as a model. She is definitely taking her career seriously and all of her hard work is now going to pay off! I wish Jenna all the success and happiness in the world as she embarks on the next phase of her career as a model.

I will be following Jenna's success here on the blog, so check back often for updates and watch for Jenna to be featured in an upcoming Style Guy segment for MyEdmonton with Kari Skelton on Telus TV.

be a winner.
style guy.

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