Friday, May 27, 2011

An Open Letter...

Dear Mr. Chwyl;

They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but quite frankly it is just lame.

You have been calling yourself the 'Fashion Guy' and doing TV spots for West Edmonton Mall, since I was a child. I would think that someone who has amassed the experience you surely have would be more innovative and creative; yet here you are, now at Kingsway Mall and shamelessly copying an approach from Southgate Centre.

To be fair I think I understand where you're coming from, and I do sympathize. Afterall it must be difficult to be a one trick pony in a city as small as Edmonton. With new talent emerging all around you, I too would be frightened, clinging on to my past successes and last season Prada's for dear life!

Alas, the jig is up John. We can all see what is happening. Kingsway is a far cry from West Edmonton Mall and the 'fashion guy' hasn't been relevant since the Bush administration...the first time. So perhaps it is best to go quitely, do not pass Bonnie Doon and for heavens sakes avoid Londonderry.

We'll miss you, but this is goodbye.

be relevant.
style guy.

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