Monday, June 13, 2011

Style Has No Age

Last week I had the distinct pleasure of meeting my friend Todd's 90 year old Grandmother.

Now that may seem like an odd introduction, but this 90 year old is anything but conventional. When we think of folks in their nineties, it often conjures up images of walkers, hearing aids and nursing homes. I can tell you after spending 5 minutes with Grandmother, you'll be looking around for Ashton, thinking perhaps you've been punk'd. Grandmother however will be in the kitchen slicing lemon for cocktail hour.

This remarkable 90 year old, lives on her own, unassisted, it her nearly 2000 square-foot condominium, with it's wrap around balcony so she can plant her flowers in the summer. She cooks all her own meals, cleans (the house is spotless!), plays bridge 3 times a week with the ladies, oh and did I mention drives herself wherever it is she needs to go? She does that as well. Every closet is filled with shoes and clothing to die for and she is seeing a lovely gentleman 9 years her junior, as her husband passed away some years ago. Although she will tell you, it's nothing serious, they just 'go around' together and occasionally have coffee.

Now let's go back to the closets, clothes and shoes for a moment and of course the reason for my visit. We were picking up a caftan style dress, one she no longer wears very often, a 1968 Yves St. Laurent. And that is truly just the beginning of the incredible collection that remains hidden in the closet of her condo.

I have often been impressed and inspired by the fashion and style of certain older ladies. I think there is a fine art of dressing that has been lost in recent generations and there is something lovely about seeing a women pulled together and looking her best. The same of course can be said for men as well, certainly the denim wearing generations of recent years are a far cry from the times that men wore suits and shirts.

I would be remiss in this blog post to not mention the incredible expertise of fellow blogger Ari Seth Cohen who writes Advanced Style. His blog focuses on the style and sophistication of the older generation. Check him out, he is fabulous.

Next time you see someone who has really pulled themselves, let them know. It just might make their day, especially if they are older! Trust me, I did!

be dressed.
style guy.

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