Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On the Right Track...

The job of a stylist is not an easy one. Not by a long shot. People often think they can do it on their own, or that a photo shoot won't require a stylist. But we've all seen those shoots... and the simple reality is that every person plays a key role on set whether it's the stylist, the photographer or the hair and make-up artists.

You wouldn't say to a photographer "wow, those shots are great, you must have a great camera" or to a chef, "wow, that meal was delicious, you must have a great oven". My point being, when you bring a team of people together to work on a project or a shoot, everyone has their role to play and it can be quite a magical experience when everyones talents come together.

Recently, I have been fortunate enough to experience such chemistry and magic. The team of people I am working with on Avenue magazine have been incredible. From the ridiculously talented duo of Venturi+Karpa, whose photographs make all of our work look that much better, thank you. To Lauren Hughes of Mousy Browns who seamlessly transitions the models hair, knowing just what the right look is, thank you. Then there is Nickol Walkemeyer on make-up consistently making the models look flawless, thank you. (If only we could get her away from her sales job and focused full time on her passion of beauty.)

And last, but far, far from least is Susan Meingast; a transplant from Toronto who is making these collaborations possible as the Art Director at Avenue. She is driving things forward and raising the bar for quality and creativity, thank you Susan! It is a true privilege to work with each of these talented professionals.

As I was saying, the job of a stylist is not an easy one. Not only do you need to know what is happening in fashion, trends, colours, textures, but you have to be able to predict what will be happening. One of my mentors always pushes me to be ahead of the curve and when I saw the September issue of Flare magazine, it was confirmation that my work is getting there.



Always follow your dreams. Be passionate about what you do. And if you are really lucky, you might also get to work with people who you admire, trust and respect...and that's the real win!

be you.
style guy.

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